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happy belated birthday!


When my first daughter was six months, I think she had something like 8 toys. I was only going to buy wooden, handmade, organic toys. They are now 13 and 8 and yeah, the house (or at least their rooms) is pretty much a toy explosion at the plastic factory. With a few wooden handmade things 8-) That playset is fantastic, and he looks very happy in it!


Shuma was born the day before Max.

Enoshima aquarium is awesome. It has the best main tank I have ever seen. And I have been to alot of aquariums.


I have a sinking feeling I didn't say it before (I'm the worst with birthdays) so Happy belated Birthday, Shuma! That's a rocking playset, by the way...


Darn! When I went to Enoshima, I only saw the observatory (in your photo) and the surrounding gardens. We drove over from Kamakura, so I didn't event know Enoshima had a train station. As far as I was told, Enoshima is just the rock that the Observatory is on. I guess some people prefer to not give information rather than try to interpret too much...
The first time I took my daughter to a zoo, she was a little older than Shuma, and it was not a good experience. Animals are fun and exciting when they're on TV or in books, but when they're right in front of your face, it's a little kowai. She really liked the aquarium though, and spent a lot of rainy days there.


Thanks Kat!

Donna, that is so funny and I bet plenty of parents had the same delusions.

Keitai Goddess, happy belated bday to Max! I think the bar is already set really high for aquariums in Japan, but Enoshima was impressive. It's especially amazing that everything in the main tank is local.

That's OK Aspasia! I'll pass along your bday wishes.

David, you drove? Traffic always looks like such a nightmare in that area. I think technically only the island is called Enoshima, but it also the general name for that area.
And I can see how gently moving sea creatures behind glass are less threatening than animals at the zoo. I can't wait to go to the zoo with Shuma but I guess there's no guarantee that he'll like it.

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